Starcodes: March 1-7


Starcodes reading for the week of March 1-7, 2024

Our world is in flux, this spring’s Jupiter-Uranus conjunction speaks of the potential for great change this year. Get involved where you can, speak up and help steer the world.

The Sun has been wildly active the last couple of weeks, shooting off broiling solar flares and stirring up magnetic storms. This year it looks to be the peak of this cycle of solar activity in the vaguely predictable 11-year solar cycle. When our Sun gets active it turns the volume up on all the astrological aspects, turns the volume up on history, and adds torque and momentum (for better or worse) to the stories of human existence as the Ukraine and Mideast agony exemplify. Some people report feeling both fried and wired when the Sun is active, and we all deal with this excitement of atoms, intense history. Space can keep you posted on the Sun’s activity.

This week we can be a little interpersonally dense, but intensely aware of the great stories of our time, world and local politics, economic and climactic changes as the two emotional planets, Venus and Mars, run close together in farsighted Aquarius. Our minds can focus on the seriousness of the world’s woes and any particular tough challenges are knotty problems in our own life as thoughtful Mercury and Sun linger close to responsible Saturn in sensitive Pisces. It is easy to feel overwhelmed, but we need to stay awake and centered so we can make reasonable decisions and utilize this serious and competent focus that Saturn loans us.

The big patterns will be easy to contemplate; it will be less automatic, more difficult, but absolutely essential to also stay aware of our own feelings and the feelings of those close to us. Let’s remember to look around and actively tune in to our beloveds as well as update them on where we truly are.

These next few weeks are important time to get our personal ducks in a row, make our communication and communicate, that our plans in motion, sign contracts if we need to come and get started. Mercury is retrograde most of April, and enters its shadow, the territory of its retrograde, mid-March. So, let’s outline our spring plans now and make the most of those recent competent Saturn conjunctions.

This week ends on a focused, potential- filled mood under a deep Scorpio Moon. The weekend can leave us both active, occasionally cheerful with the Sagittarius Moon but uncomfortably restless as Venus squares Uranus and still haunted about those bigger painful issues of the world or some upcoming personal worries as Mercury semi-squares Pluto. Let’s just be careful not to look so far at the horizon that we miss the people who need us close by. We may be called for some radical act of compassion or be amazed at how people use their faith or religion to justify personal ends as Jupiter semi-squares Neptune, and need to make sure we are not doing so ourselves.

Early next week competence can help us follow through on ingenious ideas as Mercury sextile Uranus under a determined Capricorn Moon, though we have to add the willpower to get started. The world’s woes sit heavily with us towards the end of the week under an Aquarius Moon as the Sun semi-squares Pluto.

Our imagination, intuition, empathy, but also our capacity for delusion can crank up as Mercury approaches a conjunction with Neptune over the following weekend. Some major moves on the big screen approach over the next few weeks as Mars squares Uranus, and we can feel potential social, political, or geological tremors stirring towards the end of the week.

starcodes astrology week of March 1 through 7

Friday, March 1: People may not be overly friendly under the edgy, focused Scorpio Moon; don’t take it personally, they can still collaborate towards the work at hand. Daydreams of revenge are tempting, but unproductive; follow through on work or start something wonderful instead as the Sun sextiles Jupiter. In the afternoon, take an opportunity to interact in a healing way, break a cycle and express quiet compassion through action as Venus sextile Chiron. Be wisely wild as that Scorpio Moon opposes chaotic Uranus tonight.

Sun sextile Jupiter 5:14 AM, Moon square Venus 6:08 AM, Venus sextile Chiron 7:57 AM, Moon opposed Neptune 10:53 AM.

Saturday, March 2: Let this be a real Saturday. Re-create and explore as a more upbeat, restless Sagittarius Moon sends us out to look for signs of the coming spring. Chores need to be done, but we can approach them with humor and camaraderie. Organize light-heartedly for upcoming projects so they seem less overwhelming and more possible. Important issues need a healthy, honest but flowing and spacious conversation as Mercury semi-squares Pluto tonight.

Moon trine Neptune 12:47 AM, Moon enters Sagittarius 6:56 AM, Moon sextile Pluto 9:20 AM, Mercury semi-square Pluto 6:42 PM.

Sunday, March 3: Move furniture, build a seedbed, change the aesthetics as Venus squares erratic Uranus. Just watch that casual restlessness does not undermine healthy ongoing relationships. Our longing may be for creativity or a spiritual need, not romance, as Jupiter semi-squares Neptune. Listen to what the soul longs for and find balanced ways to fill that void.

Moon square Saturn to 11 AM, Venus square Uranus 6:17 AM, Moon square son 8:23 AM, Moon sextile Mars 11:11 AM, Moon square Mercury 4:39 PM, Jupiter semi-square Neptune 7:57 PM, Moon sextile Venus 9 PM.

Monday, March 4: After a fuzzy morning as the Moon squares Neptune, and with a couple extra cups coffee, this can be a wildly competent Monday as mental Mercury sextiles brilliant Uranus under a determined Capricorn Moon. Change minds in an intelligent way. Adjust the plans, fine-tune the details, learn the new ropes, organize fresh connections. Use the next couple of days to outline the work of the spring.

Moon square Neptune 8:40 AM, Moon Mercury sextile Uranus 1:23 PM, Moon enters Capricorn 2:15 PM.

Tuesday, March 5: It’s a good day to follow through, call back, form meetings and committees; generally helpful aspects can ease the way. People are work-focused and can have a lot on their minds, so they may be thick on social cues unless the interaction has to do with the work at hand. Don’t expect people to guess unspoken needs, keep it direct and simple.

Moon sextile Saturn 8:37 AM, Moon trine Jupiter 11:30 AM, Moon sextile the Sun 6:01 PM.

Wednesday, March 6: Teamwork is easier with a clear goal, problems clarify which can help us define our shared goals as the Sun semi-squares Pluto. Note a depressive trend and remember we don’t have to do this alone; networking makes all the difference. If the world feels harsh, take a moment away, a healthy temporary escape that feeds the soul, then return refreshed and refocus. Honor the feelings, but we need to stay here and do the work.

Moon trine Uranus 12:28 AM, Sun semi-square Pluto 3:51 AM, Moon sextile Mercury 5:54 AM, Moon sextile Neptune 12:35 AM, Mars sextile Chiron 4:30 PM, Moon enters Aquarius 5:38 PM, Moon conjunct Pluto 7:54 PM.

Thursday, March 7: Our imagination ripens, but so does our tendency to project on one another as Mercury approaches Neptune under an idealistic Aquarius Moon. Explore all forms imagination, practice divination and intuitive arts, but then check the facts. It’s easy to get lost in a foggy misperception or assume we understand something when we don’t. Avoid arguments based on stubborn philosophy or belligerent opinion tonight as the Moon conjuncts Mars, but don’t be pushed around.

Moon square Jupiter 2:07 PM, Moon conjunct Mars 11:51 PM.

Provided by Heather Roan Robbins


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Heather Roan Robbins
Heather Roan Robbins is a heart-centered and choice-oriented astrologer, palmist and ceremonialist with 30+ years' experience. Her book, Moon Wisdom: Transform Your Life using the Moon Signs and Cycles, brings real astrology into an accessible format. She's trained in astro-locality, mythic, multi-generational and traditional astrology and uses it at the core of her spiritual counseling. Visit


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