Monthly Columns

From the Heart: Tellers of a New Tale

When I go to the local bank I always enjoy seeing a teller named Emily, a delightful retired elementary school teacher with a kind word for everyone. One morning while I was making a...

Yoga for You: Warrior One Pose

Warrior One pose (Virabhadrasana Eka) represents a solid foundation for you to connect with the soul of the Earth. You press your feet into the Earth and feel the Earth's energy invigorate action into...

Recipe: Swiss Chard Frittata

This breakfast is an easy way to eat more greens. It has a surprisingly sweet flavor. Make it on a Sunday and enjoy during the week. Ingredients 1 TBS coconut or olive oil 1 small onion, chopped 1...

From the Editor: How do you define You?

They were quirky and, to be honest, totally unexpected, the two women at last month's Conscious Living Expo. They came with labels attached above their heads: KaNesha Belton's was "I am happy," and Ellie...

Star Wisdom for May: Ground your New Reality

Life feels much more solid. Connect with Nature, be in your body and ground your new reality in the beauty of the physical world. Aries (Mar. 21-Apr. 19)...Never forget how strong you are. One reason...

Itineraries: A Nomad’s Bed

I received my certificate to teach the Frequencies of Brilliance, a potent healing technique, in December 2005. This joyous event concluded three years of continuous travel, working at the side of the founder, Christine...

Evolutionary Pagan: Rabbit Whole of the Law

Recently, Kenny Klein -- author, teacher and musician -- was arrested for possession and distribution of child pornography. There has been public outcry, leading to the blogsphere exploding with writers attempting to process the...

Recipe: Sweet Walnut Snack

Phytonutrient research on the antioxidant and anti-inflammatory benefits of walnuts reveals their protective effect against metabolic syndrome, cardiovascular problems, and type 2 diabetes. Here is a recipe to enjoy this health-promoting nut. Soaking and...

From the Heart: Safety is Not our Goal

While driving on a country road, I passed the parked truck of a tree trimming service. High above the vehicle a workman stood in a cherry picker, sawing overhanging branches. Beside the truck, facing...

Yoga for YOU: Supine Twist Pose

Springtime brings changes and new possibilities. It is a great season to clean house: physically, mentally, emotionally and environmentally. Each spring I take extra time to clean out my life to come anew. Physically,...

Spirit Leaves: A Sacred Feast

Eastern wisdom enjoins, "The body is the Temple. Care for it; respect it." Going beyond a glib reception of the words, we awaken to the deep beauty of this teaching. Upon reflection, we come...

The Connection between Spirituality and Food

Your relationship with food can have a tremendous impact on your spiritual growth. People can often overlook the nourishment of their body when on a spiritual path. Although we are more than our body,...

Itineraries: Mandalas of the Soul

After spending the first 53 years of my life in California, I moved to the Twin Cities. I'd be a lying if I told you that there are four seasons on the left coast....

From the Editor: May You flow through Life

The hummingbird does not rest idly by waiting for inspiration before it darts under the eaves of the neighbor's house, around the corner and over to the flower garden where it feasts upon the...

Star Wisdom: April 2014 Horoscope

April stands for "action" this year as two eclipses and an epic Cardinal Grand Cross compel us to break free of our comfort zones and spring forward into new life. Aries (Mar. 21-Apr. 19)...Stop waiting...

Spirit Leaves: Beyond the Sliding Doors

It is winter, and a fringe of pinkish white light clings to night's hem. I gaze upward through sliding doors at a dew-encrusted moon and feel a hollow aloneness, until a gentle moan rises...

Evolutionary Pagan: Keepers of the Taboo

Recently the city of Minneapolis enacted a new ordinance for massage licensure. It is clear, based on the language, that the intention is to target and eliminate prostitutes posing as therapists. While I...