Card of the Week – March 29, 2022


Tarot from Conscience (or the Traveling Moth)

A space for tarot reflection for the day, week, or moment it comes across your screen. Each of these is reworked intentionally for The Edge, from the egregore of GroupTarot’s Card of the Week, to center education, diversity, and intuition.

Partial content copyright 2022 GroupTarot. Used with permission.

Group Tarot bus after snowfall

Hi all!

Conscience has been through the snow and the warmth this past week!

We have a New Moon coming up, which means there is a New Moon Group Tarot reading.

This is a monthly offering to see how individual and group paths align. It’s a space for community, questions, and clarifications. All NMGT sessions are live captioned for Deaf and HOH, and proceeds raised are shared 50/50 with b.e.s.t. organizations.

Ones working for a beautiful, equitable, sustainable, timely world.

Register here

This week, as my last YouTube live audio is great! Video is not, Card of the Week is from 78 Artist’s Cirque du Tarot.

Nine of Cups
Illustrated by Marlon Teunissen

There are a lot of things this deck does differently, not the least of which every card has a different illustrator rather than the whole deck being by one artist. Consequently, one card can weave elements of a lot of different cards into them having similarities and differences to traditional iconography.

Here, our central figure is on a unicycle, rather than sitting in a chair surrounded by a wall with nine cups.

Instead of surrounding a central figure like Humpty Dumpties, nine cups are precariously balanced in a modified plate balancing act. One is spilling over!

What are you balancing in your emotional life? What energy is spilling out? With so many cups in the air, can some come down? Water the Earth? Take some emotional labor off your plate?

Where traditionally the sitter’s crossed arms asks the question, “are you letting in all the love and support you have around you?” this card is different. Our central performer in the spotlight, reminds us how strong our core muscles and balance have to be to give our emotional support, and empathetic or sympathetic awareness, to others. There’s also a question of what is your onstage versus off stage persona? Do you have a balancing act everywhere? Or do you have places your feet can get on the ground, maybe barefoot in nature ~ the great outdoors is tantalizingly just offstage upstage. Or is it a well painted drop? It feels like the real outdoors to me and speaks to another component of this card.

This may seem like a solo balancing act, but think a moment. How did our red and white costumed unicyclist get up there with platters of cups balanced?

Help and practice.

Practice holding the cups and platters before ever getting on the unicycle.

Practice on the unicycle.

Someone or someones off stage handing up the props and catching them before dismounting the unicycle.

There is frequently SO MUCH that is unseen about ourselves as well as so much we don’t see of other’s offstage lives.

It’s nice that we get a nine on the twenty ninth.

Nines all have walls and all of those walls have doors. You may leave ~ traveling to the great bounty of the ten of cups or back to the eight of cups. You may ask people who are not caring for your health and wellness to leave. You may invite in, those who you need, want, or desire, as well as folks who need sanctuary that you are happy to give.

If it doesn’t feel right or align, don’t do it.

Your energy is precious; and though it may feel like an infinite resource sometimes, there is finite capacity in these flesh and water sacks of ours. Care for them well.

More about the deck’s creator –

To purchase this deck –

Further recommended reading – I’m shifting away from what I normally share here and giving a book of fiction! And it’s one of my favorites, Night Circus.

All the b.e.s.t,

Special Offer for The Edge Community

Use promo code “TheEdge” for 25% off Kate Mura’s readings and private coaching

Please Join Us

“I do find the New Moon Group Tarot event to be ever-so-wonderful. Your energy, as perceived by me, is suffused with warmth/friendship/vitality. Amazingly this energy is perceived even when channeled by Zoom.” David Browning, regular participant.

Every month with the exact New Moon, Kate facilitates a New Moon Group Tarot reading.

In addition to shared community and seeing how your individual path aligns with the group’s, every month donations received are shared 50/50 with different b.e.s.t.* organizations. You will be invited to donate through Venmo or PayPal at completion of the session. All events are Live Captioned for Deaf/HOH. Register here

*b.e.s.t. = beautiful. equitable. sustainable. timely.


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Kate Mura
Group Tarot is a unique form of group facilitation that opens the mind to new possibilities. A surprising yet effective experience for corporations, organizations, and other groups to shift or shake up your culture, get new perspectives, and provide a captivating experience for employees, teams, and other collectives to interact in a profound, engaging way. In short, it’s a mind blowing experience that blends mindfulness, theatrical presentation, and self exploration.


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