Starcodes for the week of October 6-12, 2023
Falling leaves bring a poignant beauty that can make our heart ache with both bittersweet remembrance of autumns past and a thoughtful consideration of the future. Underneath the swirling leaves plants are going dormant and dying back for the winter. This week’s both soft and tough transits ask us to see the beauty but look below. We could find what is in deep need of repair, whether it is a bridge, a body part, a relationship, or a government, or need to clarify what we’re willing to stand for as Mars squares Pluto and Pluto turns direct after a long retrograde.
This Mars-Pluto aspect can cut to the chase. Though many of us are feeling sensitive to over-direct or unkind words with Mercury now in egalitarian and tactful Libra, we’ll need to get to the point with diplomacy while Venus opposes Saturn early next week and reminds us of the weight of the work needed to love, create, and put compassion into action. Mercury in Libra encourages us to appreciate beauty, especially as Venus enters Mercury-ruled Virgo, with Mercury in a Venus-ruled Libra, a relationship called mutual reception and one which helps them work together. Determined tact needs to be, can be, engaged as we handle any scenario.
This weekend starts off both poignant and loaded with approach-avoidance conflicts around going out and socializing or staying home and investing in beloveds and pets under a domestic Cancer Moon and as Venus quincunx Pluto. We may miss people or miss a place we once called home. We can put the tactful beauty and fairness of that Mercury in Libra into service if we need to do some deep work or surgery, or to handle a challenging event as the Moon, Mars, and Pluto form a tense t-square on Saturday.
Sunday could bring some sharp changes as Mars squares Pluto and asks us to be decisive. Most of our lives will be sweet and reasonable, but the headlines could get dramatic. By Sunday evening we’ll be more ready to engage our world with a whole heart as the Moon enters Leo. Some people get mighty pushy, and we could need to send power to the force-fields to hold healthy boundaries and deal with the problem underneath.
On Tuesday the Moon enters thoughtful Virgo as Venus opposes Saturn and love just takes work, do not be discouraged, but do what needs to be done.
Also on Tuesday, Pluto turns direct after many months retrograde – since May 2. We could see some turbulence this week as resentments come out into the open, but some big social changes could now reengage. We saw progress last spring while Pluto entered Aquarius, but that progress got put on hold as we returned to all too familiar issues when Pluto retrograded back into Capricorn. But now the boat begins to turn. Pluto will be back in Aquarius by the turn of the year. Pluto will make one more dip into Capricorn, then heads into Aquarius for decades and promotes a real turning of the ages.
By the end of the week, our interpersonal energy becomes less outgoing and more interested in deepening a relationship than meeting new people as both emotional planets, Venus and Mars, enter introspective water and earth signs. Venus Leaves expressive Leo and enters thoughtful Virgo while Mars leaves friendly, justice-oriented Libra and enters intense Scorpio. For the next few months this focused, often obsessive Scorpio energy brings a good time to start therapy or deepen an investigation, so let’s find a positive goal to focus upon. Let’s also watch our back and work carefully around resentful people as Mars in Scorpio can play hardball in the shadows.
Image by Evgeni Tcherkasski from Pixabay
Friday, October 6: It’s a maudlin and discombobulated morning, so many feelings are being processed as Venus quincunx Pluto. We may have an awareness of roads not taken, and need to come back and remember why we chose the path we did. Cancer moon as us for kindness, good food, familiar friends, and understanding quiet support from the people we love.
Venus quincunx Pluto 6:49 AM, Moon square Sun 7:47 AM, Moon sextile Jupiter 9:29 AM.
Saturday, October 7: Love and loss, engagement and separation, life is worth living fully, but also safely, as an upbeat Sun-Jupiter aspect competes with an emotionally difficult T-square between Mars, Pluto, and the Moon midday. Some surprise, crisis, or event could spark deep existential questions. Evening brings ego clashes or sweet stories from the heart as the Moon enters Leo.
Moon sextile Uranus 2:22 AM, Sun quincunx Jupiter 3:04 AM, Moon trine Neptune 8:58 AM, Moon square Mars 11:23 AM, Moon opposed Pluto 1:11 AM, Moon enters Leo 5:25 PM.
Sunday, October 8: Some political or interpersonal story could hit a denouement over the next few days. Be careful of extremist or catastrophic thinking- make the minimum decisions necessary and expand out by increments. Something will require us to let go as space is created for a fresh path. Anxiety improves by taking one step forward to work on the situation.
Moon sextile Mercury 5:47 AM, Mars square Pluto 7:04 PM, Venus enters Virgo 7:10 PM, Moon square Jupiter 8:55 PM.
Monday, October 9: Reintegrate this morning; assess the weekend events and share stories, we need to catch up with each other and take care of hearts. Don’t overthink but do be flexible and ready to adapt mid-afternoon as the Moon squares Uranus and hints of changes in the wind. Step into a practical flow and build momentum.
Moon sextile Sun 1:07 AM, Moon square Uranus 2:35 PM.
Tuesday, October 10: Our gut intuition is strong, and our guts can respond to our emotions as Venus opposes Saturn under an industrious, if easily anxious, Virgo Moon. We need to stop and digest our life. Love just takes work; don’t be discouraged but do tend to what’s needed. Remember worrying is not the same as taking action; ponder thoughtful, positive goals and get busy. Self-doubts can whisper at us, so question those whispers and work to authentically support others’ healthy self-conception.
Venus opposes Saturn 2:10 AM, Moon sextiles Mars 5:36 AM, Moon enters Virgo 8:01 AM, Moon opposes Saturn 10:06 am, Moon conjuncts Venus 10:46 AM, Pluto turns direct 9:09 PM.
Wednesday, October 11: Tend to what needs healing, whether that is health, a relationship, or a gaping cultural rift, and see the healing as a contribution to the future. Our defenses can prickle but let’s forge ahead into that tender territory and fix what we can before Mars heads into potent Scorpio tonight. Because any splinter left behind can fester and need surgery over the next few months. Obsess creatively.
Sun opposed Chiron 12:20 AM, Moon trine Jupiter 9:05 AM, Mars enters Scorpio 10:04 PM.
Thursday, October 12: Our minds could race on the hamster wheel as Mercury quincunx Jupiter. We can use this buzz productively if we have something worthy of our focus. Otherwise, our busy minds could chase around looking for trouble or exploring resentments. Go deep; but make it a worthy depth. Evening softens as the Moon enters sociable Libra, it will be more productive to be kind rather than argue about what’s fair, but let’s set a healthy boundary if some else’s idea of friendly is at odds with our own.
Moon trine Uranus 3:01 AM, Mercury quincunx Jupiter 6:31 AM, Moon opposed Neptune 9:42 AM, Moon trine Pluto 2:10 PM, Moon enters Libra 6:22 PM.
Provided by Heather Roan Robbins