Starcodes for the week of November 10-16, 2023
We could have just an ordinary if slightly internal weekend, we explore old feelings like poking a sore tooth, or this truly could be a wild pivot point in our lives. The Sun is flaring and the planetary patterns are intense.
Now these planetary patterns have been difficult, encouraging us to confront problems since early October when Pluto turned direct after a long retrograde and squared Mars just as the Middle East erupted. We can confront one another, confront our own emotional reality, confront the problem in our lives and solve it. This energy continues over the weekend as Mars opposes chaotic Uranus under a new Moon in focused, obsessive Scorpio. This intensity begins to calm down towards Thanksgiving, but we have some work to do first.
To turn the volume up on these aspects, and as the backdrop for the next couple of years, the Sun now throws spikes of highly charged particles towards Earth. Those solar flares challenge our radio waves and turn up the volume on all astrological aspects and historical events. This solar cycle 25 began in 2019 and is expected to continue through 2030, peaking over the next two years. Solar flares herald political unrest and a search for new answers, we can waste this restless search fighting against what was or we can direct this restlessness towards a healthy vision of what could be.
Even with this charge of chaotic, activated energy, many of us could feel just a bit tired, more introverted than normal, with potentially rich dreams. Our mood may improve if we make small positive changes, fix a broken door or speak a truth we haven’t before. Although we may feel an urge for drastic change it’s now hard to sort out good decisions from restless discontent. All can be okay where we can look ahead and feel room to grow, but we can make abrupt, radical judgments where we feel stuck or trapped, or obsess on the past. We can always make more drastic moves later, let’s try subtle constructive changes first to open up the future.
Scorpio energy can be jealous, possessive, vindictive, and ruthlessly honest on its challenging side, while positive Scorpio brings a more surgical, profound, deeply compassionate, transformative and transcendent approach. Which side shall we vote for with our imagination on this approaching new Moon in Scorpio.
Get any interpersonal finagling done on Friday, then make dealing with people optional for the weekend. Take it minute by minute. While Friday brings a chance of practical and peaceful negotiations as Mercury squares Saturn, the weekend grows wilder towards a new Moon on Monday. Whatever happens this weekend will be remembered; any good we do will be well remembered, but for any pain we cause, expect payback.
The energy electrifies through Tuesday as Mars and the Sun oppose Uranus. Expect the unexpected, rifts and explosions are likely, but so are breakthroughs and sudden leaps forward, if we tap into it. If we feel a temper spike, let’s move with care; accidents happen when we get riled up. Take a break rather than walk out, unless this really has been something brewing for a long while.
Distrusting a sudden impulse or quick flash of snark, know when to be quiet. But if there is something or someone that needs to be released, a breakthrough that needs to occur, now may be the perfect time.
By Monday evening the Moon enters more flexible Sagittarius, in the next few days more positive aspects can help us manifest what needs to be done. The week finishes under a highly pragmatic Capricorn Moon.
Image by Evgeni Tcherkasski from Pixabay
Friday, November 10: Clear up some personal negotiations while Mercury squares Saturn under a cooperative Libra Moon; deal with structure and organization while people can imagine shared goals. Utilize a productive burst midday and direct discontent thoughtfully. Look for excitement, but also look for safety. Headlines can be explosive, performances electrical, moods twitchy in the days ahead. Tonight it can feel good to gather for a good cause, socialize and contribute at the same time.
Mercury squares Saturn 8:07 AM.
Saturday, November 11: We could feel like we are not enough for our life, or our life is not enough for us as the Moon squares Pluto and enters Scorpio. Utilize a productive burst midday and find something creative to do with personal discontent as Mars opposes Uranus. Look for excitement, but also look for safety. Headlines could be off the charts, explosive. Performances can have actual electricity, but our social contacts could feel introvertedly awkward instead of easy.
Moon square Pluto 8:05 AM, Moon enters Scorpio 11:39 AM, Moon trine Saturn 12:43 PM, Mars opposes Uranus to 11 PM.
Sunday, November 12: Emotions run deep underground under this waning Scorpio Moon. If it’s hard to see the light, look for the roots, the source, the purpose, but avoid questions of blame, jealousy, or retribution. Our minds can perseverate, which is powerful for meditation “to leap like a tiger while sitting” to quote a Korean Zen master, or obsession; focus with great care. Metabolize a recent decision to change directions. Do not cut off the nose to spite the face, do not jump away from the candle and into the fire. Choose wisely.
Moon opposed Jupiter 5:09 AM.
Monday, November 13: This morning can bring a turning point, a step forward into the light after some deep dive as the Sun opposes Uranus on a new Moon in Scorpio. Just scan down each path before jumping, consider consequences before acting, and let the process unfold.
Moon conjunct the Sun 2:27 AM, Moon opposed Uranus 3:05 AM, Moon conjunct Mars 5:18 AM, Moon trine Neptune 10:20 AM, Sun opposed Uranus t 10:20 AM, Moon sextile Pluto 4:03 PM, Moon enters Aquarius 7:23 PM, Moon square Saturn 8:27 PM.
Tuesday, November 14: Expect cheerful impatience, though we don’t suffer delays or fools easily as both the Sagittarius Moon and a week-long sun-Mars connection want action, movement, change, and either progress or escape. Don’t ask for long explanations; watch people’s actions more than the words and give everyone extra warmth and room.
Moon conjunct Mercury 7:03 AM, Moon trine Venus 7:44 AM.
Wednesday, November 15: Look for the poetry in life, a brief glance of beauty, a break in some recent tension as Mercury trine Venus. The deeper problems are still there but look for an opening, opportunity, or fresh cooperation. Reach out and bond over problem solving together.
Mercury trine Venus 5:48 AM, Moon square Neptune 3:56 PM, Mercury quincunx Jupiter 8:34 PM.
Thursday, November 16: Emotions run higher but so does competence. We’ll get new revelations about motivation, what motivates who, and how. Deal with nuts and bolts issues this morning as the Moon enters Capricorn, build the structure for the statue, the form for the dialogue. Difficult people also have this boost, so drive and negotiate with eyes open. Look for fresh connections around tea-time.
Moon enters Capricorn 12:41 AM, Venus quincunx Jupiter 12:48 AM, Moon sextile Saturn 1:48 AM, Moon trine Jupiter 3:47 PM, Moon square Venus 5:16 AM.
Provided by Heather Roan Robbins