Starcodes for the week of December 1-7, 2023
December starts off with a roar of productive astrological action and then slows down towards the solstice, so it pays to organize for the winter holidays and progress long-range projects now. Mercury enters competent Capricorn today and gives us that organizational boost as the month begins, but it turns retrograde December 13 through January 2, slows us down and asks us to reminisce. Tend to anything time sensitive or decisive now, then get ready to rest and review through to the new year.
Strategize about life and work, plan the holidays this weekend, but don’t be tempted to manipulate others in the name of fun under a celebratory Leo Moon and as communicative Mercury sextiles pragmatic Saturn. Not only the good people will be strategizing, so keep an eye open for potentially Machiavellian propaganda and promotions over the next few weeks. This Mercury in Capricorn can bring out our ambitions, and so we could get manipulative if we think we have a better idea than others, or depressed if we don’t feel like we’re making any progress. If so, it can help to tackle one small task and bring it to completion. Any sense of completion and progress furthers.
But this potentially playful Leo moon doesn’t want us to just be efficient, so go see those winter parades or Nutcracker Suite. Along with our hard work, art and creative process, and general affection, further as Venus tells us a story through the week.
On Sunday, underneath the seasonal busyness, we could feel undertones of loneliness, insufficiency, or remember some deeper unrequited or unexpressed emotions as Venus squares Pluto and taps into the world’s bittersweet qualities. Venus then enters Scorpio on Monday, bringing intense emotions, but not always the ability to express them. On a good day, this can help us see what we really care about, what really matters to us. But it can also turn up the volume on brooding feelings of resentment, revenge, possessiveness, distraction, or regret. We could also develop a paradoxical conundrum where we both need more time alone but mind feeling isolated, want to be touched by deep connection, yet really don’t feel like reaching out. We can become painfully aware of habits that isolate us, and we can choose to do something different.
Venus trines stabilizing Saturn by Tuesday which can stabilize our feelings and encourage a more pragmatic approach. The physical or emotional weather systems could get strange midweek as Neptune turns direct after a long retrograde, some uncertainty, fogginess, or misperception could first get worse then clears up. Thursday could bring a more expansive and balanced viewpoint, and a chance to work together on design problems or issues of social justice as the moon enters egalitarian Libra and that competent Mercury trines expansive Jupiter. This combination can bring out our generosity and help us see the hints of a silver lining.
Friday, December 1: Begin a few weeks of strategic planning as Mercury enters Capricorn. First get right with oneself; the Leo Moon encourages us to seek joy, take care of ourselves and feed our life force without blocking the needs of others. A few days of good self-care now can help us stay centered and practical for a busy, roiling month ahead. Tonight, as that Leo Moon trines Mars and squares Jupiter, let’s investigate what helps to feel fully alive.
Moon square Venus 1:08 AM, Moon opposed Pluto 6:06 AM, Mercury enters Capricorn 7:31 AM, Moon enters Leo 9 AM, Moon trine Mars 7:47 PM, Moon square Jupiter 10:44 PM.
Saturday, December 2: Make hay, or solstice presents, while the Sun shines; string the lights and deck the halls. A grand trine between the Sun in Sagittarius, Moon and Leo, and Chiron in Aries- all energetic fire signs-brings enthusiastic opportunities for healing creativity, while Mercury sextiles Saturn and adds organizational competence. We may need this healing as, in an undercurrent, some longer-term emotional issues whisper, an awareness of water under the bridge or world losses lean on us as Venus approaches a square to Pluto.
Moon trine Sun 4:44 AM, Mercury sextile Saturn 8:27 AM.
Sunday, December 3: On this complicated, bittersweet, and competent day, let art heal the soul as Venus squares Pluto. Whether it be a craft fair, a haunting poem or music, let Venus help restore the resilience in the soul in order to stay present and do the hard work. Sidestep any competitiveness as Mars quincunx Jupiter, see it as a compliment that someone is feeling endangered, and instead of picking up the barb or rewarding bad behavior, give them some love.
Moon square Uranus 1:12 AM, Venus square Pluto 6:29 AM, Mars quincunx Jupiter 4:19 PM, Moon sextile Venus 7:11 PM, Moon enters Virgo 8:50 PM, Moon opposed Saturn 11:26 PM.
Monday, December 4: The industrious Virgo Moon trines Mercury and Jupiter, calls us back to some existential discontent that urges us to take action, gentle action, on the source of our discomfort. Look for the root of a problem and tend to it but avoid a tendency to blame as Venus enters Scorpio. Be very wary of any desire for retribution, find another way to solve the problem.
Moon trine Mercury 3:12 AM, Moon trine Jupiter 10:32 AM, Venus enters Scorpio 10:50 AM, Moon square Mars 11:51 AM, Moon square son 10:49 PM.
Tuesday, December 5: work out a morning restlessness as the Moon trines Uranus, but do not skip logistical follow-through. We could experience a glitch in the system today as the Sun semi-squares Pluto, but have the emotional stability, old contacts, or familiar patterns to work it through. By evening we are ready to be done with the day and need to forgive our failings and unwind as the Moon opposes Neptune and Neptune appears to hold still.
Moon trine Uranus 1:44 PM, Venus trine Saturn 3:51 PM, Sun semi-square Pluto 6:01 PM, Moon opposed Neptune 11:16 PM.
Wednesday, December 6: A strangely foggy morning can bring new clarity or understanding by this afternoon as Neptune turns direct while the Moon enters congenial Libra. People need to feel connected. A generous heart can overspend, investigate what’s really needed and consider offering a kindness, a service, instead of the thing.
Neptune turns direct 6:22 AM, Moon trine Pluto 6:50 AM, Moon enters Libra 9:34 AM, Moon square Mercury 9 PM.
Thursday, December 7: Stand back and get a broader perspective on any conundrum. Look for a freeing perspective or liberating news as Mercury trines Jupiter. Just watch out for magical thinking; a small improvement can look like the answer, but it may just be a breadcrumb on a new trail. Don’t stop here- follow it up. Say what needs to be said.
Moon sextile Mars 4:15 AM., Moon sextile Sun 4:36 PM, Sun trine Chiron 5:11 PM, Mercury trine Jupiter 9:08 PM.
Provided by Heather Roan Robbins