Aries Season – Astrology by Celeste’s Cosmic Weather Forecast


Aries Season: Dynamic and Energetic

Aries season is action-packed. Aries is the first sign of the zodiac and starts the astrological year. It is a fire sign ruled by Mars, which embodies qualities of passion, determination, and assertiveness. Individuals born under the sign are known for their dynamic and energetic nature. They possess a childlike exuberance that fuels their enthusiasm for life and motivates them to pursue their goals with unwavering zeal.

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The high road of Aries involves being courageous, pioneering, and willing to take risks to achieve one’s goals. The shadow energies are impulsivity, aggression, and conflict.

The USA is in the path of totality of the Aries solar eclipse on April 8th. A solar eclipse is a magnified New Moon. The energy is chaotic, so be mindful that this could be a time of a lot of change. You’ll want to make sure that you’re not doing anything where you’re planning things at the last minute or multitasking. There may also be some big events, especially in The United States, that receive news attention.

Mercury Retrograde

Mercury is the planet of communication, commerce, and transportation. When Mercury goes retrograde, it appears to go backwards in the sky from our perspective. It is common to experience delays, miscommunications, and technology problems. There can be twists and turns and the collapse of anything contemplated.. If you’re doing anything around the dates of when Mercury goes retrograde in the sign of Aries from April 1st through April 25th, you’ll want to make sure that you triple-check everything.

It’s best to avoid signing important contracts and making electronic purchases. It is a wonderful time to reflect, slow down, and reassess things. Remember that this period is temporary and can offer valuable lessons in patience and resilience.

Jupiter Uranus Conjunction in Taurus

The biggest transit of the year is on April 20th. Jupiter, the planet of expansion, abundance, and good luck, is meeting Uranus, the planet of sudden events, excitement, awakenings, freedom, and innovation. If you know where you have Taurus in your natal chart, this is an area where you can have some growth.

For people born in May around the 8th through 14th, in August around the 8th through 14th, in November around the 8th through 14th, and in February around the 8th through 14th, there could be a really big and exciting story for you. It can be like a “Eureka!” moment where you win the figurative lottery. It could be about freedom from something. You may make the decision to change your job and go for your dreams. Jupiter just amplifies things.

So you’ll want to prepare ahead of time between now and April 20th to make sure that your life is as organized as possible and that you’re doing what you can to bring in more of what you want intentionally.

What dreams and aspirations are calling to you? How can you align your actions with your deepest desires and values? Celeste hosts Moon Mastery™ workshops on the Sunday before the New Moon.


Astrological Insights for each Zodiac Sign

If you are an astrology enthusiast or simply curious about how the celestial bodies can influence our lives, understanding the astrological insights for different zodiac signs can provide valuable guidance. Explore what the stars have in store for you by zodiac sign in this video from astrologer Celeste Brooks. Listen for your Sun and Rising sign. If you have your birth time but do not know your rising sign, view this video on how to create a free astrology chart.


To learn about Setting Intentions with the Moon Cycles, download the Free e-book from Celeste at

If you’re seeking clarity and guidance during this transformative time, Celeste is here to support you. Through tailored workshops, insightful readings, and personalized guidance, you can navigate the complexities of Aries season with confidence and grace. She can be reached at her website,


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Celeste Brooks
Celeste Brooks is an astrologer, coach, and teacher. Her offerings include classes, workshops, coaching packages, events, and readings. She helps people find unknown birthtimes with the technique of chart rectification. Her podcast, Celestial Insights, offers weekly guidance to surf the cosmic tides.


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