Starcodes: March 29 – April 4


Starcodes reading for the week of March 29 – April 4, 2024

This week the stars bring us to a fork in the road, or busy intersection if our lives lean that way, as the Sun, Mercury, and Venus, now in brash Aries push us to hurry up, and Mercury approaches a square to Pluto. This intersection could be asking us to choose a road with less excess baggage from the past and more purpose for the future, call us let go of burdens which are not ours, or let go of one possibility so we can pursue another. But right before the decision point we are asked to go back, check to make sure our bags are packed, take care of unfinished business, and fine tune our plans before heading off.

This pattern unfolds as Mental Mercury approaches a challenging square to deep Pluto and brings our mind to serious personal and political choices. Then right before this square becomes exact, Mercury retrogrades April 1 through April 25 distracts and diverts us, and sends us back for review. Do all those good Mercury retrograde works, tend to problems that should have been solved a while ago, attend some personal side agenda before leaping forward after mid-May, when direct Mercury clears its shadow and perfects it square to Pluto. Leap sideways instead. Leap like a tiger while sitting, a Korean phrase for a meditation retreat which fits this time.

Mercury rules transportation, communication, our thinking process, and all things high-tech. Rushing will now cause problems, so slow down and let life become an exercise in attention. As Mercury approaches that square to Pluto, and when it perfects it in mid-May, pay extra attention when driving and around heavy machinery or steering ocean vessels near a bridge. Inherent problems come to the surface to be dealt with, if a car has an old leak, it may show up, tend to it now and save troubles later. If problems happen, build back better. It’s a great week to investigate what went wrong, anywhere, but while this helps around the recent bridge collapse, this mindset can obsess in our personal lives. Notice where the thoughts go and do not be caught by catastrophizing thinking. If that Aries restlessness builds, work out a burst of energy and come back to that thoughtful place, that exercise in attention.

Throughout the week, as Mercury appears to hold still, the planets tell us to both hurry up and wait. While people are feeling Aries-like outspoken, our feelings can be easily hurt, we may need occasionally some time alone as Venus in sensitive Pisces approaches imaginative Neptune. We can get lost in a dream of the lottery or an imaginary future. Take notes of those possibilities but focus on practical next steps. It’s helpful to keep the art supplies handy, our creative world is one place where we can leap forward.

Over the weekend the Moon in Sagittarius can leave us spinning in circles. Go explore the spring, physical activity helps us stay less restless and more centered. See the humor while battening down the hatches for the coming Mercury retrograde season; pay bills, get letters and emails sent, make sure that what was sent is actually received.

Early in the week a competent Capricorn moon can make us want to hurry a project, pound on those nails until it’s built, just when Mercury asks us to reassess the plans. Look to the deeper structures involved, become more aware of fundamental changes needed. And watch the spin in the press as old stories from the past, old lies or fabrications, come to the surface to back up a point of view. The week ends with more collaborative efforts, but we may need to smooth out some interpersonal hitches and stubborn opinions as the Aquarius moon squares Jupiter and Uranus in Taurus.

starcodes astrology week of March 29 through April 4Image by Evgeni Tcherkasski from Pixabay

Friday, March 29: It could be a snarly morning, but we can focus on what inspires us as that focused Scorpio moon trines Neptune. Choose the focus carefully and follow through. Humor and impatience arise this afternoon, look for a last-minute completion of projects as the Sagittarius moon sextiles Pluto. Feel a release this evening and find the safe way to let go and relax.

Moon trine Neptune 9:39 AM, Moon enters Sagittarius 1:51 PM, Moon sextile Pluto 5:23 PM.

Saturday, March 30: We could easily feel pulled in 10 directions, competing needs can keep us from completing things easily. Instead of worrying about speed, focus on steady authenticity; prioritize interpersonal understanding and give people a chance to get some concerns off their chest. Movement is good for the soul, just watch where the feet go.

Moon square Mars 12:43 AM, Moon trine Sun 9:44 AM, Moon square Saturn 3:29 PM.

Sunday, March 31: Energy has an on-again off-again quality today; keep track of what needs to be done and let differing needs take turns rather than try to stick to one thing until it’s done. A clash of needs or desires can bring an awkwardness to relationships but also give an honest chance to mediate and find a fair balance as the Sagittarius moon squares Venus midday. Make flexible plans tonight as the Moon enters determined Capricorn.

Moon square Venus 12:05 PM, Moon trine Mercury 4:54 PM. Moon square Neptune 6:51 PM, Moon enters Capricorn 10:05 PM.

Monday, April 1: Expect the unexpected as Mercury turns retrograde this Foolish Day. Go ahead about life but confirm, track, and keep all lines of communication open for last-minute changes and unexpected twists. Don’t push the river, make the most of the situation. That competent Capricorn Moon can help us stay on track and do what actually needs to be done, but what we think needs to be done and what actually needs to be done may not be the same thing. Listen to the winds and stay flexible. Neither make, nor be pushed around by, manipulative comments.

Moon sextile Mars 11:48 AM, Mercury turns retrograde 4:14 PM, Moon squares the Sun 9:14 PM, Moon sextile Saturn 10:46 PM.

Tuesday, April 2: Clean up unfinished business. Organization helps, but most of this will just need to be walked through until it’s done. If dealing with an overall sense of frustration from conflicting demands and energies, just breathe through and deal with one thing at a time. When life throws curveballs, clarify the target, keep it in mind, and improvise a worthy response. Hurrying will not further.

Moon trine Jupiter 5:43 AM, Moon trine Uranus 11:19 AM.

Wednesday, April 3: People expound grand ideas as the Aquarius Moon conjuncts Pluto while creative, emotional Venus conjuncts imaginative Neptune. We could hear what we want or what we’re afraid of rather than the ephemeral truth. Let’s put the best of our philosophy to work and then observe carefully. Reach out to those who may not feel heard and listen.

Moon enters Aquarius 3:07 AM, Moon conjunct Pluto 6:23 AM, Venus conjunct Neptune 7:10 AM.

Thursday, April 4: Tap into a good flow this morning; rather than get nervous, make last-minute improving adjustments as the Moon squares Jupiter and Uranus. We can move out of a place of passivity and feel more alive and in charge of our life as Venus enters Aries this evening but may suddenly not be willing to put up with a situation which felt oppressive before.

Moon sextile sun 4:44 AM, Moon square Jupiter 9:43 AM, Moon square Uranus 2:24 PM, Venus enters Aries 10:01 PM, Moon sextile Mercury 11:39 PM.

Provided by Heather Roan Robbins


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Heather Roan Robbins
Heather Roan Robbins is a heart-centered and choice-oriented astrologer, palmist and ceremonialist with 30+ years' experience. Her book, Moon Wisdom: Transform Your Life using the Moon Signs and Cycles, brings real astrology into an accessible format. She's trained in astro-locality, mythic, multi-generational and traditional astrology and uses it at the core of her spiritual counseling. Visit


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