Featured Articles

embrace your essential wholeness

Embracing Essential Wholeness

As we grow older we experience transitions in life. A person getting married and becoming “a married person.” A person having children and becoming “a parent.” Transitions are like tiny holes in our lives...
King of cuckoo clouds over Bursa, Turkey

Balloonery, Close Encounters, or Weather Phenomena?

On January 19, 2023, a weirdly shaped, large, orange-colored lenticular cloud appeared over Bursa, Turkey. The usual suspects erupted on cue, including the clamoring of the international news media that never met a Not-A-UFO...
power of joy manifesting energies

The Power of Joy

As we move through the crossroads into a new year, it’s time to learn the art and science of creating and living in JOY! If your intention is to live in joy this year,...
send their energies back

Worries Transformed!

We all worry at times. Especially when things are challenging for ourselves and our loved ones. However, worry is like putting out a prayer to the universe solidifying the things we’re concerned about rather than...
description of past life regression

An Eloquent Description of Past Life Regression

A client once shared with me her narrative of her past life regression experience. I am sharing it with you because it such an articulate description of how past life regression can work. Describing...
Paganicon pagan wiccan heathen conference and workshops

Paganicon Returns!

The Midwest's Largest Indoor Pagan Conference back by popular demand Paganicon is a 3-day Pagan conference being held March 17-19, 2023 in Plymouth, Minnesota. Paganicon is organized by Twin Cities Pagan Pride (TCPP) and a...
free will and the concept of design

Free Will and the Concept of Design

The canvas is the world. You are the artist. Pick-up the brush; Create your own life. -SB Question: Can you elaborate on free will and how it interplays with the concept of design? What distinguishes man/woman from other creations is...
how to create an anxiety free workplace

Creating An Anxiety Free Workplace

A Simple Blueprint For A Happier Work Experience Anxiety can present itself in many places in our lives, and the workplace is no exception. 83% of US workers suffer from work-related stress, with 25% saying...
year of the rabbit higher consciousness hops forward

The Year of the Rabbit: Higher Consciousness Hops Forward

The Chinese Solar New Year is celebrated on February 4th (the Lunar New Year is January 22nd), and with it is the beginning of the Year of the Rabbit. After having roared through the...
questions at the crossroads

Questions at the Crossroads

Have you ever felt a sense of tension for no apparent reason? When a path closes and one stage of our lives is complete, we come to a crossroads. Approaching the crossroads, the inner...

Light Language: Harmonics of the Universe

Have you ever contemplated the idea of a language that connects everyone and everything throughout the cosmos? Is it possible there is a language that speaks to our spiritual, emotional, mental, and physical bodies?...
embracing the unknown

Embracing the Unknown

We are entering an era of unknown possibilities where we can create something totally new! As the old template from the past breaks apart, we are invited to sit in the void of the...
Golden Vajrasattva

Walking in the Footsteps of the Tibetan Thangka Masters

After years of studying, painting, and teaching in the traditional western style of art (landscapes, portraits, plein aire painting, cityscapes, abstracts) Holly Stone found herself increasingly drawn to study and depiction of traditional art...
wisdom from 4000 past life regressions

Sharing Wisdom From 4,000 Past Life Regressions

"Death is absolutely safe!" – Ram Dass After guiding 4,000+ past life regressions over the past 20 years, I've noticed three common themes or soul lessons that often emerge during the latter part of the session...

Spirit Flow: My Journey Into Shamanism

For over two decades, I have been on an alternative healing path for my health. This journey has led me to practitioners in many modalities, including homeopathy, traditional therapy, Reiki, holistic nutrition, and acupuncture....
life as a paranormal investigator

Life as a Paranormal Investigator

As a Paranormal Investigator, the one thing that is often said to me is that what I do must be “scary and creepy”. When I am faced with this statement, the people who say...
walking in my spacesuit through this dream called life

Walking in My Spacesuit Through This Dream Called Life

I recall as a young kid looking at pictures in books of astronauts floating in space. I was amazed at the sight. With the successful launch of the SpaceX spacesuit, it was exciting to...