From the Beyond

My father’s near death experience

In 2007 I was staying in Fairfield, Iowa, taking some classes in the Seraphim Blueprint Healing System. My father lived in a western suburb of Minneapolis, and while he and Mom were visiting a...

Being in the Light

This is the first time I have written about my near-death experience. It happened many years ago when I was a young child, yet I remember every detail as clearly as the moment today...

A Decision to make on a New York City Street

My old buddy Dave threw a poker party to help round out my funds for a "walk around the world." I had hitchhiked out to Schenectady, New York, to spend a few days with...

Divine Intelligence of a Child

When I met her, she was full of life and love and play! We had an immediate connection, a kind of familiarity you get when you know someone for a long time. She got...

My near death experience

I remember being the tender age of 13 and riding my bike to the Spring Lake Park beach. I wasn't that good with the breast stroke, but boy could I swim on my back. I remember this particular...

A Life that truly Matters

When we look at what truly matters in life, no one can tell us more clearly than a person who is facing death. My brother, Kevin Pollari, has been given a death sentence. According...

I found Heaven under the Sea

Always having wondered what "heaven" looked like and asking God to show me but He did not, I was shown what I did not expect. It was in a very vivid dream. I receive what...

Near Death, or Rebirth?

Just hearing the phrase "near-death experience," many of us have a vision already of what one might experience: thoughts of one's life flashing before their eyes, wrongs they have maybe done, tunnels of light...

The Lightening Tree

As usual, Edna Olsen tucked into bed in West St. Paul, Minnesota, at around midnight on June 27, 1977. Soon afterward -- at his regular bedtime -- Edna's husband Jim joined her, although not...


My daughter, talking too loudly in another room, awoke me from a dream. My eyes opened. What sifted into my consciousness was a faint awareness of my physical body lying in a bed. And...

Running with Angels

The topic of near-death experiences is near and dear to me, because I had this experience when I was 4 years old. I am nearing my mid-50s now, but this NDE remains as vivid...

NDE: One Manifestation of Death

Many manifestations of death exist. One is the physical, when you are six feet under and, unless you are a zombie, you ain't comin' back out of that grave. The second manifestation is one...

A Harvest of Fear

An excerpt from Extraterrestrial Contact: The Evidence and Implications THE PURSUIT OF TRUTH requires the ability to see beyond the appearance of things to the meaning and substance behind the forms. In no field of...

Telling Time in the Afterlife

SOMEWHERE BETWEEN THE PRESENT MOMENT and eternity lies time in the afterlife. It’s a time “zone” most of us can only access when we are switched over to the non-temporal right lobes of our...

Edge Life Expo Preview: A Conversation with a Medium, James Van Praagh

JAMES VAN PRAAGH -- an accomplished medium who provides evidential proof of life after death by connecting with the dead and sharing their messages -- rose to popularity in the early 1990s on the NBC...

Edge Life Expo Preview: The Last Chapter

MY NEW BOOK, What Happens When We Die, was due to the publisher in December 2011 -- and for the life of me, I couldn't get it finished. The final chapter kept eluding me....

Edge Life Expo Preview: Authentic Ancient Crystal Skulls Found in China

AFTER THE SMITHSONIAN found that the reputable Mitchell-Hedges crystal skull was a fake, doubts in the realm of crystal skull research arose. However, my research partner and friend, a leading crystal skulls expert, Dr....