Monthly Columns

honoring mothers pillars of strength

Honoring Mothers – Pillars of Family Strength

This Mother’s Day I wanted to reflect on what I believe is the pillar of family strength, our mothers. Being a mom myself of two amazing kids, who are now young adults I can...
turn your summer vacation into the adventure of a lifetime

5 Steps to Turn your Summer Vacation into an Adventure of a Lifetime!

Image by Jackalope West from Unsplash Love Adventure?? Here are 5 Steps to Make your Dream Vacation Come True! For many of us booking a summer vacation is a normal ‘ho hum’ practice we do on...

Remembering our reason for being

In my September column, I wrote that we are the ones we've been waiting for. We are living with all kinds of chaos spinning around us - seemingly through us - but each of...
July energy a time for magic

Time for Magic

July’s vibrational 7-energy loves to work with magic inspiring mystical ways of conjuring up what may look like miracles. Yes, we all have access to magic. You can either watch it in action, or...

October Horoscope: Find Balance

Every year the sun in Libra (September 22 - October 23) asks us to bring our life into balance: balance our needs with those around us, bring our body into balance, balance our work...

Participate in the Life You Create

I find it hard to believe that two decades have passed since I first read Seth Speaks, the channeled work of Jane Roberts, and since I read Barbara Marciniak's Bringers of the Dawn. It's...

How to Begin

Have you made any New Year's resolutions? As Dr. Phil might ask, "And how's that been working for you?" If you are like most people, New Year's resolutions do not last more than a...

Food First: Orange smooths out Everything

One of my favorite strategies for health and wellness is to "add in" nutrient dense foods in the form of a daily smoothie! I'm a big fan of green smoothies, but every now and...

From the Heart: Trust Your Talent

Many years ago a young Kansas City artist struggled to get his cartoons published in city newspapers. His offerings, however, were met with rejection after rejection. "Forget it," editors told him. "You have no...

All How You Look at It

I have been a vegetarian for many years for all kinds of reasons: health, morality, energy, ecology, and on and on. I don't think everyone should be a vegetarian, and I have never proselytized....

A Pleiadian Message: Doors open to your own Conscious Light

Beloved ones, we greet you.... We witness you as you take your next steps through the Illumination waves as they continue to intensify dimensionally on your planet. These expanded energetic waves carry a transformational...

Spirit Leaves: February Angst

Inspiration for this month's column came from a work colleague. Poised at the threshold of my office door, a brilliant but beleaguered educator shared some reflections upon the overwhelming anxiety that encroaches in winter...

Letter to the Editor

WE RECENTLY WENT to Hawaii for a month this past winter.... The time on the Big Island was such an eye opener for my friend and I, and our lives were definitely altered from the...

Yoga for YOU: Tree Pose

This month's pose, Vrksasana (translation Tree Pose), builds stability, grace and balance. As with all postures, the more you practice a pose the more it comes with ease; the more intentionality you give to...

Dogs Know Heart

My dog loves to play in the morning. He jumps in my lap and wants to lick and wrestle, which I am entirely unable to resist. Yet when I am meditating, he simply lies...
Blackie the Cathedral cat

Blackie the New Cathedral Cat

Buddhist monasteries in Siam, Sikkhim and Tibet have traditionally over the centuries had Siamese cats as temple guardians, and these can be very fierce toward strangers. Cats do seem very attracted to ancient churches and...

Reflections…on Living an Inspired Life

It's very easy, I know, to fall into complacency, living by rote, doing everything today as you did yesterday and not really having the inspiration to do anything differently. Sometimes it takes a shock to...