Starcodes: September 28 – October 5


Starcodes for the week of September 28 – October 5, 2023

This could be an action-packed week filled with highs and lows. We might feel like we’re sailing a boat on a windy sea, we’ll make progress if we catch the right wind but if we get caught crosswise, we’ll skim the rocks.

Friday begins with one of the wilder full Moons of the year, highlighting tension between an energized, impulsive, outspoken, rebellious Aries full Moon and the relationship-oriented Libra Sun who just wants us to make everybody happy and the world a peaceful place. To add an exciting spark to this, romantic and aesthetic Venus in Leo also squares change-inducing Uranus. We want a breath of fresh air, something completely different; we may not look for trouble but could stir it up anyway. Let’s see how we can support tactful directness and loving independence, two integrated examples of Libra + Aries, and cheer each other on.

On Saturday and Sunday, the energy evens out a bit but we’re still rambunctiously curious as mental Mercury trines Uranus; we could really use some fresh input, start a new conversation, explore something we haven’t seen before. The Moon enters more even-keeled if stubborn Taurus on Saturday evening through Monday night and helps us stabilize this curiosity to stay on target.

Just know that we may not be seeing the whole picture clearly throughout this week, our perceptions are strong in the sub-ether, but foggy in the practical world, as Mercury opposes dreamy, confusing Neptune on Monday morning, then trines Pluto in the evening. The week starts in a dreamlike state, though decisions will still press on us.

These Mercury aspects to the outer planets help us tap into our imagination and dip into our intuition. Our psyches may feel a little leaky, we can pick up on other people’s thoughts or feelings and it will be a little tricky to tell what’s our and what’s theirs. We could get lost in our projections and have trouble seeing what’s right here unless we choose to stay present.

These aspects can also help us do some deep psychological work or conceptual analysis, help us share our deepest thoughts and feelings or get lost in a conspiracy theory. Check emotional motivation if when the mind runs in strange corners. Lead with the heart and intuition, let the imagination realm in a safe and productive place, and ask practical questions before proceeding.

In an interesting paradoxical edge, we could also see the ripping of the veil over a long term lie or misperception as Mercury opposes Neptune and trine Pluto. Some truth can be revealed, but we may not have agreement on what is real and what is a lie or illusion. Although the week is rife with possibilities, check the nuts and bolts needed to make those possibilities a reality.

Mercury enters friendly Libra on Wednesday and we may be able to move past a conflict or anxiety and have a great conversation. Thursday strikes a less secure note as the Moon enters sensitive Cancer with some minor inconvenient, uncomfortable, aspects. Watch for lost articles or missed connections and odd digestion. Check in with something familiar, and old friends or are favorite old movie, find comfort in connection.

starcodes week of September 29 through October 5Image by Evgeni Tcherkasski from Pixabay

Friday, September 29: Take the wildcard, anything can happen so make it good things. An early full Aries Moon can make it hard to sleep, it charges us, but we can easily charge off a cliff; let’s look where we’re going. It may be time to quit our job and fly to Madagascar, but probably a smaller change would suffice. Venus squares Uranus can bring a longing for something new and different, and that can bring mischief. Let’s also respect what already feeds, and do not jettison a love, job, or concept because it needs work. Strange people will say strange things. Energy comes in fits and bursts.

Moon opposes Sun 3:57 AM, Venus squares Uranus 11:52 AM.

Saturday, September 30: Notice a longing for fresh territory, new information, a different conversation as Mercury trines Uranus. Be solid through a disconcerting moment midafternoon as the Moon squares Pluto; remember that we are enough, we matter. The evening brings both a luscious appreciation of the senses under the Taurus moon, and a somewhat reckless edge as Mars quincunx Uranus late at night. Somewhere in the world an event will be shocking, some revelation, large or small, could shock us at home, but it could be a good shock. Be deliciously safe.

Moon opposes Mars 6:19 AM, Moon trine Venus 8:08 AM, Mercury trine Uranus 10:55 AM, Moon square Pluto 3:49 PM, Moon enters Taurus 7:18 PM, Moon sextile Saturn 9:45 PM, Mars quincunx Uranus 10:38 PM.

Sunday, October 1: Pumpkin spice and French toast, our senses love to be fed as the stubborn, sensual Taurus Moon conjuncts Jupiter today. Well want to move slowly and can be open hearted but maybe not open-minded. We can get frustrated if we’re in a hurry or trying to change someone’s opinion, but it can be delicious just to be present. Be here and step into the moment.

Moon conjunct Jupiter 7:36 PM.

Monday, October 2: This morning could be creative but confusing as Mercury opposes intuitive Neptune. Engage imagination and take spiritual approach, vision the future but stay present and walk carefully in the concrete world. Watch for projections, misperceptions, and take a nap when needed. Conversation speeds up tonight as the Moon enters verbal Gemini; whether we get lost in our words or create new clarity will be to our choice.

Mercury opposed Neptune 9:34 AM, Moon conjunct Uranus 9:57 AM, Moon square Venus 2:06 PM, Moon sex tile Neptune 3:46 PM, Moon trine Mercury 4:41 PM, Moon trine Pluto 7:19 PM, Moon enters Gemini 11:03 PM.

Tuesday, October 3: Get down to the nuts and bolts and assess yesterday’s great ideas for today’s reality. Don’t let a few bumps stop the flow, do assess what actually needs to be done to make those visions possible as the Mercury trines Pluto while the Moon square Saturn and trines the sun. Deep, realistic conversation possible. Research and detective work are supported; watch a suspicious edge, look for truth rather than facts to support an opinion. Solve a mystery.

Moon square Saturn 1:28 AM, Mercury trine Pluto 1:19 PM, Moon trine Sun 6:03 PM, Venus quincunx Neptune 6:20 PM.

Wednesday, October 4: Imagination flows and helps us form new relationships, if we don’t try to burst someone’s bubble or try to micro-manage their vision. Encourage progress, be a good audience rather than a wet blanket even though some of the ideas will be illogical. Create new sweetness tonight as Mercury enters Libra.

Mercury enters Libra 6:08 PM, Moon trine Mars 9:32 PM, Moon square Neptune 10:37 PM.

Thursday, October 5: We can feel easily overwhelmed, juggling so many things; it’ll be easy to drop the connection or miss an important point. Notice a sudden urge to be home and safe, to not argue with the world as the Moon enters protective Cancer and Mercury quincunx Saturn while Mars conjunct Neptune. Defenses can spike because we’re feeling tender. Tend to non-conflict-oriented work and help each other feel at home and a little bit safer.

Moon sextile Venus 12:34 AM, Moon enters Cancer 6:31 AM, Moon square Mercury 8:32 AM, Moon trine Saturn 8:54 AM, Mercury quincunx Mars 11:03 AM, Sun semi-square Venus 2:58 PM, Mars quincunx Neptune 5:09 PM.

Provided by Heather Roan Robbins


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Heather Roan Robbins
Astrology does not define the future, it describes a pulse, a pattern – you choose how you respond. Let me know what you need, I can do an in-depth reading or work on a specific question. Readings start with a deep look at your natal chart, transits and progressions; who you are, your strengths, weaknesses, and your soul’s priorities, what’s being triggered in your chart now, and how best to work with those energies. I work via Zoom and phone. I am a practical, intuitive, choice-oriented astrologer, ordained interfaith minister, OBOD member, and Hay House author. Find my weekly "Starcodes" astrological forecast on The Edge website.


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