October’s Full Hunter Moon will not occur until Saturday, October 28th, but you may already be feeling the effects of it. This full moon, in the sign of Taurus, brings us a partial lunar eclipse; the Earth’s shadow will be covering a part of the moon’s surface. Check your area to know if this will be visible for you. The shadow makes it easy to keep things hidden, but it also makes it harder for us to know what keeps us blocked from reaching our goals and manifestations. It can even make those blocks so bright that we can’t stand to see them.
The full moon falls in the zodiac sign of Taurus which represents the need for stability, security, and comfort. But just like the sign of Taurus, it can bring large amounts of stubbornness and unwillingness to change. Adding the eclipse to this makes it very easy to refuse to see what we need to do to bring comfort to our days.
The Hunter Moon asks us to hunt for the things that don’t serve us or provide us with the stability and comfort we desire, and to remove them. It also wants us to hunt for the things that will give us security and comfort through the cold winter months and into the future. This moon also goes by the name Blood Moon reminding us that it may be painful when releasing things, we are attached to, but deep down we know they won’t bring us what we want.
Are we willing to hunt and cut those things out even when it hurts to make space to manifest the comfort that we do want? Can we spend our energy nurturing what we do want, especially since we aren’t using that energy to grow what we decided to cut out. It’s important to remember that after releasing and letting go of things that were a large part of who we are we must take time to heal. We see this not only in the phases of the moon as it shrinks to nothing and slowly grows back to fullness, but also in a lunar eclipse.
Some questions we might ask ourselves are, “Does this make me feel secure and fulfilled?” Is holding on to this preventing me from growing? What do I need to let go of this so I can heal? Why do I refuse to see this for what it is? What will make me feel secure and fulfilled? What can I use my energy on so I can grow?
I hope this article inspires you to tune into this month’s lunar energy to make the most of your manifestations.
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Moon Phase Journal download: Free for readers of The Edge
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