New Capricorn Moon 2024


Exact time of new moon: January 11, 2024 at 5:56am CST

Here we are in the cold darkness of Winter. The days are slowly beginning to lengthen and now our vision for our future increases. Still in the cold darkness, our seedling self must hold strong to the mineral and the moisture deep in the Earth. Utilizing the energy we have in our core, we are tasked to be deliberate and thoughtful with each new choice. Every action must be necessary the way we travel snowy roads only if absolutely necessary.

It is in the season, in this part of the cycle, where we are asked to consider what is most important to our rudimentary being. Do we have our wood pile fully stacked? Is our larder filled? Have we laid up enough stores for our continued survival through the next few cold months? It is with this Capricorn New Moon, exact at that we are asked to focus on what is truly important, pertinent, necessary, and worth our life energy.

New Capricorn Moon zodiac astrology for 2024Image by Darkmoon Art from Pixabay

We can spend our time on superfluities. We can allow ourselves to be distracted by the various dramas and unnecessaries of life, but it is at this time where our heartfelt attention to the present moment is the motivation we need to persevere through Winter’s chill and consider our future wisely.

Undeniably, politics and culture seem to be ready to implode. It is up to each and every one of us to consider our best of all possible revolutions. If we are to ascend our proverbial mountain, is our pack well stocked? Are we prepared for whatever chance encounter we may find up the mountain? Is there something about the mountain that is worth our effort to climb it?

Understandably, we are all on our own mountain right now, and we are being given a choice with this lunation to consolidate our resources, fortify our emotional strength, focus our mental awareness, and maintain the vision of our chosen mission. We are planting the seeds right now which will spring forth in April. What do we want them to be? What flowers do we wish to cultivate? How courageous can we be in maintaining our strength and perseverance to make the journey through this New Year?

We have been through a lot. We continue to go through a lot. But we are still here. And we have the possibility of making this world a beautiful garden with enough deliberation and innovation. Imagine what that can look like, set the intention for its manifestation, take the appropriate steps in that direction, and all will be well.

– Courtesy of Evolutionary Astrology with Ryan Evans


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Ryan Evans
Ryan Evans is a Certified Master Level Astrologer. A student of 25 years and a professional for 15, having studied with Steven Forrest, Pat Kaluza, and others, he practices an integrative approach to Astrology combining imagery, past life analysis, and healthy encouragement of choice and free-will. As an organic flower farmer of 20 years, he aligns his engagement and practice of Astrology with the observed and experienced lessons and teachings of the Natural World and her rhythms. In a reading, Ryan describes the mythology and poetry of the Solar System and the Seasons of the Earth and how they are reflected in the myth and poetry of YOU.


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