Numerology Forecast for 2024: Manifest Your Desires


What a powerful year this will be for you as you discover the many great manifesting opportunities that are waiting for you to create and experience this year. This is the year you will have the supportive vibrational energy to manifest what you have been dreaming about.

The vibrational energy for 2024 adds up to the manifesting (make it real) energy of the number 8. The ancient wisdom of numerology teaches you that everything is energy. When you measure this energy, you gain insights into the messages it wants you to know. The vibrational energy of 8 supports your personal power to manifest (make it appear) and your desires (strong feelings of wanting something).

manifest your dreams numerology

This year, each month you will be given enhanced energies and supportive manifesting abilities to explore and experience. You will have the vibrational energies you need to use. You will be rewarded by manifesting something personal, something material, and or experiencing spiritual satisfaction. The “trick” is you will need to spend time each month getting clear and setting your intention on what you want to manifest. You will need to explore your “why” each month to identify what feelings will be satisfied by the desires you choose to manifest.

I believe January’s new beginnings energy is the best time for you to do whatever it takes to release any self-doubt about your manifesting abilities. Why is this necessary? A wise man once said, “If you can believe it, you can achieve it.” Norman Vincent Peale, author of The Power of Positive Thinking said, “Believe in yourself! Have faith in your abilities! Without a humble but reasonable confidence in your own powers, you cannot be successful or happy.”

Here is the very successful manifesting practice Lori Palm and I use. We have been teaching this to people for many years. At the end of the year, we celebrate what we have manifested to bring us the joy we desire. We then do these steps:

  1. Get clear on what desire you want to manifest – a new relationship, new career, new home, new lifestyle? Getting clear vision will give you a target to hit.
  2. The tricky part now is to identify why you have this desire. Your “why” comes from the feelings you will have when your desire is manifested.
  3. Create a vison board with pictures of the desire you crave to accomplish. We suggest you only use pictures and feeling words on your vision board.
  4. Frame your vision board and hang it an area where you will see it everyday to keep you connected to and inspired to manifest your desire.

These manifesting energies are available for you to succeed. They work best if your desires are just a little out of your reach. If your early desires are uncomfortable and a bit intimidating, they have better odds of success. Once you master your confidence in manifesting the out of your comfort level desires you can move on to manifesting bigger desires. If you’re not quite feeling you can do this, you can always wait… this powerful 8 manifesting energy will return in 2033.

Affirmation: With strong feelings of desire, a little daily practice, and a daily pep talk, I will manifest my desires in 2024.



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Wes Hamilton
Wes Hamilton brings a blend of extensive practical experience and extraordinary mystical know-how to his work. As a Master Numerologist, clients throughout the world seek his guidance and insight regarding important decisions. His expertise has been honed over 40+ years and thousands of clients to deliver amazing results. Connect with Wes at 612-308-2962 or and visit


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