
The Accidental Herb Garden

No time to garden? You might try what I did. Years ago, we had just purchased our first home, I was pregnant, mothering a 2 year old, and working. There was simply no way...

Children, Animals, and Spirit Guides

Children are the ones who hold our future in their hands, as they will someday be the ones to lead the way. Though they will be taught about the workings of life by others...

Nature Expands My Consciousness

To think, to feel, to be aware of oneself and of that which surrounds us in our daily life -- that is consciousness. It's so simple, yet so complex that it requires your full...

Activism on the Run

Changing the planet though the focus of attention ARE YOU CONCERNED about the world these days? Planet-wide, humanity is on a destructive path in many ways: environmentally, economically, politically, health-wise, to name a few. There...

A Path to Balance, Health and Healing

Connecting to health by connecting with nature HOW MUCH EXPOSURE to nature do you get on a daily basis? If you are depressed, in pain, or suffering in any way, connecting with nature can help....

Receiving Channeled Lessons in Nature

Natural surroundings provide us with opportunities to be closer to the Creator and creation. Sitting in places of beauty among trees, near water, prairies, deserts or on ocean shores, our souls can resonate with...

Plugging into Gaia: Accessing Earth Energy

We live in a world that is constantly demanding our attention. It draws upon our mental, physical, emotional and spiritual energy for various tasks that we must complete as part of our day-to-day life....

Mother Earth: The Forgotten Healer

So, you can hear trees talking? People must think you're nuts. She was 40 years old, going through her daily routine just like the rest of us. Her day was spent at an office job...

We Gather Together to Honor the Fallen

On a gray January day we were Christian pagans, standing in a small, tight ring around the dearly departed, singing into the crisp winter air. Our individual breath clouds only lived for an instant,...

Animals in Our Future

Animals are an integral part of our lives. From that tiny, pesky ant at your picnic to the mightiest of whales in the ocean, they all play a valuable part in this world. Many...

Avatar’s Cameron documents efforts to protect sacred river

Highly acclaimed director James Cameron (Avatar) teamed up with Amazon Watch to produce a short feature "A Message from Pandora" to spotlight the battle to stop construction of the massive Belo Monte Dam on...

EarthTalk® | November 2020

Dear EarthTalk: Do wild animals have any rights under the law in the U.S. (or other countries) the way human citizens do? — John Hamilton, Raleigh, NC Winnie the Pooh said it best: “Some people...

Creating a Purrfect Practice

"I have lived with several Zen masters -- all of them cats." -- Eckhart Tolle Cats can help you establish a consistent spiritual practice. As a Wiccan and a Reiki Master, my spiritual practices are...

Cats Assisting Us with Our Soul Experience: The Value of Felines to the Soul

While I was making my oatmeal for breakfast, I heard Sophia, my 8-year-old, orange-and-white tabby cat, make a high-pitch whine from the upstairs bathroom. At the same location, I found Sylvester, my 9-year-old, black-and-white...

Why Nature is Essential for our Soul

Whether a short walk among trees casting their soft shadows, or more extended treks requiring evolved survival skills, nature nourishes us within so many aspects of our Being. Sitting quietly in nature brings a...

Embodying Spirit: 6 Ways to Reconnect in Nature

When we think of meditation, prayer and other ways of getting in touch with spirit, we often think of turning inward and shutting out the outside world. This can certainly be helpful when getting...

Ms. Bun Again

Ms. Bun was a Manx cat that Marie brought into my life when we married in 2008. Being a talented animal communicator, Marie had found Ms. Bun to be exceptional in many ways. She...