Monthly Columns

self reflection heals numerology

Self Reflection Heals

Numerology is always giving you insights about where you are in life so that you can be prepared to take advantage of opportunities and options to increase your joy. July is the 7th month...

A Monthly Affirmation – Affirm: “I don’t know”

"I don't know" is not at odds with "I know." In fact, one could not be true without the other. However, when we declare our unknowing, we are consciously opening ourselves up to receive...

Spirit Leaves: Reopening the Doors of Perception

It is splendid living at a time when so many old souls are waking up. In 2020, more of us will begin to see the “big picture,” Cedric Red Feather’s favorite term for the...

Atomic Contrast

I was invited to present a seminar in Hiroshima, Japan, the city devastated by the atomic bomb in 1945. As I approached the Hiroshima train station via the bullet train, I felt uneasy, wondering...

Feline Wisdom: Rest

No one has to remind a cat to get plenty of rest. When kitty feels tired, she drops what she is doing, curls up and relaxes or dozes until her body feels ready to...

Evolutionary Pagan: Generation (Epoch)alypse

I GREW UP with a strong sense of impending doom. My childhood was filled with alternative books about the poles shifting, the collapse of the economy, and the alien invasion. Collectively, my generation was...
tattoos of bird and cage

Paint Tattoo Ideas to Attract Love and Abundance

For centuries, tattoos have served as a means of self-expression. They display an individual's beliefs, interests, and desires, often chosen for their profound personal significance. In recent years, using body art to show specific...
duck spirit animal message

Spirit Animal Message for June 2023: Don’t Stop Now!

Few birds are more adorable than the waddling, quacking Duck! But for all its awkward cuteness, Duck can be a powerful spirit animal guide. A strong migratory flier, Duck is no stranger to the journey...

Spirit Leaves: Untangling the Wreckage

“Your mind and you are our Sargasso Sea, London has swept about you this score years And bright ships left you this or that in fee: Ideas, old gossip, oddments of all things, Strange spars of knowledge and...

Food First: Vegetables Ripe for Skewering

What makes August great is the abundance of vegetables in the garden and still plenty of long summer days left to grill! Of course, there also are plenty of fun, summer activities, so I...

Spirit Leaves: In Tiny Hands

The path to peace lies in our ability to stay present. With our either/or thinking, we humans bristle at that suggestion. "What if the present involves a crappy situation?" we protest. In our complaint...

Spirit Leaves: Sometimes Our Dearest Teachers are Dogs

I live a relatively hermitic existence. As an empath, I seem to require lots of "down time." I have no pets, yet all of nature seems to command my love and compassion. Still, I...

Feline Wisdom: Be Resourceful

Have you ever had that "stuck" feeling? Like you're just not quite sure how to move forward and you're a little afraid to move at all, for fear you'll make the "wrong" choice? I...

Affirm: ‘I am Listening, I am Heard’

A Monthly Affirmation There is a spirit within each of us that animates our flesh, inspires our action and magnetizes thoughts into the space that is our "mind.” This month I invite you to use...
prepare for changes

Prepare for Changes

Hang on, shifts and changes are happening this month! May being the 5th month has a strong disruptive vibrational energy designed to break up old patterns. May brings chaos! The good news is without...

From the Heart: A Happy Outcome is Assured

Can you imagine being an adopted child reunited with your birth mother after 60 years? My friend Diane signed up for a genealogy research service, did a DNA test, and found that she had...

Spirit Leaves: Fear Factored Out

Where there is light, darkness cannot exist; likewise, where there is love, fear will not exist. These are only words, though. Each of us as human beings will experience episodes of feeling fearful, whether...