Monthly Columns

prepare for changes

Prepare for Changes

Hang on, shifts and changes are happening this month! May being the 5th month has a strong disruptive vibrational energy designed to break up old patterns. May brings chaos! The good news is without...
tattoos of bird and cage

Paint Tattoo Ideas to Attract Love and Abundance

For centuries, tattoos have served as a means of self-expression. They display an individual's beliefs, interests, and desires, often chosen for their profound personal significance. In recent years, using body art to show specific...

From the Heart: A Critical Gift

During an overnight airplane flight, I perused the entertainment selections and discovered the audio book Fire Starter Sessions by Danielle LaPorte. I liked what I heard and found Ms. LaPorte to be an articulate,...

Recipe: Savory Fish Seasoning

A Gluten-free, Dairy-free Whole Food Recipe As we move into spring, your body wants lighter protein sources such as baked or grilled fish. This recipe makes enough seasoning for two, 6 oz. tilapia (or other...

Sound Bites from Sound Nutrition

The New Year is a great time to assess where you are at in your life -- what seems to be working, and what may not be working so great -- and it offers...

From the Heart: A Happy Outcome is Assured

Can you imagine being an adopted child reunited with your birth mother after 60 years? My friend Diane signed up for a genealogy research service, did a DNA test, and found that she had...
savants show us power of the mind

How Savants Show Us the Power of the Human Mind

When Leslie Lemke was born prematurely, he had brain damage, cerebral palsy, and had to have his eyes surgically removed due to glaucoma. When he was put up for adoption aged six months, May,...

A Pleiadian Message: Frequency Changes stir New Perceptions

Beloved ones we greet you. We bring news of many dynamic changes taking place on your planet in the last weeks of December and in the first few weeks of your New Year. During...
declutter mental spring clean

Declutter your Mind with a Mental Spring Clean!

Spring is the season for new beginnings, a time to renew and recharge. But more importantly just as we do a regular ‘spring clean’ of our home to declutter our personal space we should...

Spirit Leaves: Magnificent Mariners

Recently, in a conversation with Cedric Red Feather, I was reminded of the oceanic wisdom of a departed psychic mentor, David Godwin. Godwin affirms that, when we reach the other side, we will be...
more than just linkedin

Dear Shannon: Serenity Now and more than a Link

Dear Shannon, I have three kids under ten. My kids walk all over me! But I don’t want to put down harsh limits, because my parents hit me when I was little, and I am...

Spirit Leaves: Native Greening

Thank Heavens for a certain wise Mandan. I opened this month's column with some very pedantic health tips. I read the initial draft to Cedric Red Feather, and he graciously reminded me to invoke...

Food First: Eating Lighter with Simple Summer Meals

I love quick, simple and delicious meals in the spring and summer months! It's a great time to eat lighter and enjoy all the fresh produce from you garden or from the Farmer's Market....

Spirit Leaves: Growing Children

"Your children are not your children. They are the sons and daughters of Life's longing for itself. They come through you but not from you, And though they are with you yet they belong...

From the Heart: The Year of Redirection

One of the ways I like to make the end of a year work on my behalf is to assess how the past year has redirected me. It's tempting to look back on the...

August Horoscope: Leo Eclipses — Let your Light Shine

Mercurial Messages through the Zodiac At the heart of Leo season, it's time to express our heart's bounty and express ourselves in our full glory. Summer romances, music festivals, and braggadocio abound as the Sun...

Star Wisdom: Slow Down

SEPTEMBER GIVES US a chance to slow down a bit and mentally process some of the intense change we've all been going through this year. Aries (Mar. 21-Apr. 19)...Set boundaries around work and duties this...