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why religion doesn't ask the deeper questions

Why Religion Doesn’t Ask The Deeper Questions

For a start, there is no common theme in religion to agree upon for religious philosophers. Not that theology is considered a real philosophy anyway. There is a difference between religious philosophy and philosophy,...
uses and benefits of sound healing

The Uses and Benefits of Sound Therapy

If you want to achieve a state of calmness and relaxation, then sound therapy is a great way to achieve it. There are tons of uses and benefits of sound therapy. It’s effective as it...
you are an alchemist energetic healing

You Are an Alchemist!

We are all alchemists because of what we're made of! We are made of a quantum electromagnetic photon wave that operates out of time and space. In fact, all matter is made up of...
transcended heart a powerful force

The Transcended Heart

A Truly Powerful Force The magnificence of a heart that has been transformed from an embittered state to one of grace and gratitude is a wonderful story to behold. Within the world of the planet there...
how important is having the right keys?

How Important is Having the Right Keys?

The ‘keys’ set forth in the outline below are meant to be true gauges in vitally assisting one in making healthful decisions (in working strategically toward True Health of the mind, body, and spirit),...
a medium's perspective on death and dying

A Medium’s Perspective on Death and Dying

There are many resources when you have lost a loved one and for what happens to those who have passed. As a medium, I work with souls that have passed from this physical realm,...
ready to live without the veil of fear?

Are You Ready to Live Without the Veil of Fear?

Many of us have believed that being in the physical on this planet dictated that we be in the veil of fear while we are incarnated. That was true up until now. Before entering...
Anne Pryor paints Lovitude art for The Edge!

Anne Pryor Creates Lovitude Paintings for The Edge!

https://youtu.be/65FFwznX0Kk Like and subscribe to our YouTube channel Anne Pryor, intuitive artist and Lovitude™ soul painter, creates art for The Edge! Watch for Anne's first painting from this video "The Process" to appear on the cover...
acceptance of self creates better world

Acceptance of Self Creates a Better World

All of humanity is going through a change right now which is showing up throughout the political, religious, health, and economic challenges that we are all witnessing and experiencing. This has prompted many to...
hope and despair: antidotes to despair

Hope and Action: Antidotes to Despair

For almost two years we have all been experiencing the negative effects of an incredibly destructive “agent of change.” Although horrific things happen every day on this planet, they have usually affected other people...
self care important for success

Entrepreneurial Self-Care is Important to Business Success

Self care is an essential ingredient in a prosperous entrepreneurial venture. Running a business takes a significant amount of time and energy, and if you let yourself get overwhelmed, stressed out, or run down,...
free yourself by saying no

How to Free Yourself by Saying No

You can feel it in your soul. You know you agree to too many things, but you’re not sure how to say no. You don’t want people to think you’re rude or unkind. You don’t want people...
stay on your path follow the yellow brick road

Just Follow the Yellow Brick Road

I bet most of you recall the yellow brick road from the famous movie that was produced many years ago. The character Dorothy was making her way to OZ to meet the great wizard....
Ashley heals throat chakra through song

Living with Intention: Ashley Heals the Throat Chakra Through Song

My throat chakra was unlocked by uncovering an inner-child wound, consciously holding space and love for myself where it once was denied, and connecting with an earth angel who believed in me enough to...
humanity stuck in time loop black hole

How and Why Humanity Got Stuck in a 26,500 Year Time Loop with No...

Who is Azul, Jesus, Archangel Michael, and Lucifer? They are all the same being in separation. This was written April 2021. This information has been given to the Galactic’s outside of this universe in two...
Covid-19 home management suggestions

Suggestions for Home Management of Covid-19

I recently became ill with and recovered from a Covid-19 infection. Unlike many others, I had the benefit of excellent integrative health care providers who monitored my condition and provided advice and therapeutics throughout...
where has natural medicine been during pandemic?

You’re a QUACK!: Where has Natural Medicine been this whole pandemic?

The very first time I heard the saying “New Normal”, even before the lockdowns began, I knew. Very early on, Naturopathic Doctors in other states had their clinics raided by the CDC and FDA1....