Holistic Living

send their energies back

Worries Transformed!

We all worry at times. Especially when things are challenging for ourselves and our loved ones. However, worry is like putting out a prayer to the universe solidifying the things we’re concerned about rather than...
cannabis for the soul meditation

Cannabis for the Soul

Hey folks! As a Cannabis Nurse I spend much of my time educating others on the benefits of cannabis for the body and mind, but I have not spent nearly enough time focusing on...
lessons on attraction, thoughts and feelings from a snow plow

Lessons From a Snowplow

Living in Minnesota can have its challenges. This is especially true during the winters. You really don't have a solid gauge of predicting what it will be like. Even if snow doesn't start until...
death of the ego

The Death of Ego

Sitting here ready to write but with no words, laptop nestled in my lap, the living room dimly lit, I notice it is outdated but cozy as I searched my mind, maybe my soul...
year of the rabbit higher consciousness hops forward

The Year of the Rabbit: Higher Consciousness Hops Forward

The Chinese Solar New Year is celebrated on February 4th (the Lunar New Year is January 22nd), and with it is the beginning of the Year of the Rabbit. After having roared through the...
embracing the unknown

Embracing the Unknown

We are entering an era of unknown possibilities where we can create something totally new! As the old template from the past breaks apart, we are invited to sit in the void of the...
living your best life after midlife crisis

How to Not Let a Midlife Crisis Prevent You from Living Your Best Life

Midlife crises are as old as time itself. People throughout the ages have been grappling with the challenges of getting older and the necessity to reinvent oneself, so to speak. Here are some helpful...
relationship building is a key to success in life

Relationship Building is a Key Factor to a Life of Success

The development of healthy relationships, whether personally or professionally can be an important factor in living a successful life. In fact, it is reported that people who embrace supportive relationships live longer & are...
live more joyfully this year

Time to Reset – How to Live More Joyfully this New Year

“The body heals with play, the mind heals with laughter, the spirit heals with joy.” –Marisa Donnelly A new year is upon us and that often comes with a mix of emotions from anxiety and trepidation...
jin shin treatments for dogs digestive issues

Treat your Dog’s Digestive Issues yourself with Jin Shin Jyutsu

Jin Shin Jyutsu is a gentle healing art to harmonize life energy, which can be applied to humans as well as animals. By placing our hands on certain points on the body, life energy...
benefits of fear on a psychedelic experience

The Value of Fear in a Psychedelic Experience

It’s always the first kind of question I get when I meet people that haven’t done psychedelics, “Is it going to be painful?” “Am I going to throw up?” Will I go crazy?” “What...
Dedee Pfeiffer interview

We Aren’t Meant to Handle Things Alone with Dedee Pfeiffer (full interview)

https://youtu.be/vq0X0q7951M Like and subscribe to our YouTube channel Movie and television actor Dedee Pfeiffer joins Kelly Wagner and Brian Mariani for a mix of laughs and serious conversation. Watch as she talks about growing up in...
quest for the bumpy path

Death, Reinvention, and the Quest for the Bumpy Path

The Fallacy of the Smooth Path I was asked the other day whether my path to where I am today was smooth. I laughed aloud. A smooth path? What would it mean to have a...

Ask 5 Questions with Angela Zabel

https://youtu.be/NwZuptZoJ7o Like and subscribe to our YouTube channel For the first installment of our new interview series "Ask 5 Questions" Kelly interviews close friend to The Edge Angela Zabel. Learn about Angela and her personal growth...
manifesting your moxie on 2023

Year of Manifesting Your Moxie 2023

By definition Moxie is a character trait, a way of being. Moxie is the cleverness and charisma, the persistence and perseverance that we show up with in our lives. When we say yes to...
overcoming life's challenges with the law of polarity

Overcoming Life’s Challenges with the Law of Polarity

The basic principle of the law of polarity is the realization that everything has an opposite. Well renowned mathematician, Sir Isaac Newton helped define the fundamental laws of science in his studies. He discovered...
find your way to yes

Finding Your Way to “Yes”

Do you feel like something is missing in your work or career? Do you feel like there’s something calling you, but you don’t know what it is or where it’s taking you? I’ve been there, too....