Health & Wellness

The Healing Sounds of Nature

A friend of mine says this time of year is when her ears are happiest because she wakes to the sound of birds singing. She also enjoys the soft patter of rain hitting her...

Quantum Neuro Reset Therapy for Anxiety and Depression

About four years ago my inner voice told me to go to a chiropractor I had met years before. He asked what I needed and I told him there is something I need to...


It has become common, acceptable and even comforting to worry. Most people don't truly enjoy the uneasy or panicky feeling of worry, but its incessant use continues. It may be that we think worrying...

EFT Tapping for Anxiety and Depression

Anxiety and depression are common health concerns. Conventional medical practices are not always effective and many people continue to suffer. Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) Tapping is evidence-based for anxiety and can also be used...

Being In the Flow Improves Mental Health Naturally Exercise Your Body & Your Mind

The World Health Organization's definition of mental health is a state of well-being in which every individual realizes his or her own potential, can cope with the normal stresses of life, can work productively...

Free Radicals and Your Health

Everybody loves a good bad guy, someone we can point our long accusing fingers at while shouting a satisfying "It's them, it's their fault, all of it." Sometimes we have no idea why we...

Writing to Heal and Transform

When life takes an unexpected turn, writing can be an invaluable way to help you cope. Writing has a way of adding purpose and meaning to your life, and it helps you tap into...

New Advertiser Spotlight: Vicky Plante with Restorative Healing, LLC offering New Services

Vicky Plante with Restorative Healing, LLC, is now including a personalized Chakra Color Reading as a part of every individual energy healing session provided. In addition, Vicky's newest offering is a 30-minute phone session...

Chair Yoga for Seniors: Yoga is for Everyone!

"Bodies in motion stay in motion" is a law of physics. If, as you grow older due to illness, injury or lack of movement, you can not easily walk or get up or down...

Reverse Aging Now with Glutathione

Okay, I admit it. I have lovely silver strands adorning my head and I'm noticing a few things changing in my body. I know there are surgeries, potions and supplements available to counter the...

Putting the Power Surge Back Into Hot Flashes

Arriving on the threshold of crone status and moving through this gateway marks a time when women turn their physical focus from procreation and childrearing to a more global, evolutionary contribution. During menopause, women...

Is Jogging Slowly Killing You?

Actually this extends to all aerobic exercise, but I'll get to that. I used to jog in my 20s and 30s, but despite its head-clearing and apparent energy-boost, I instinctively felt that such intense...

Dr. Mathews returns to Cities to offer Holy Divine Healing events

What do the Holy O, Migleomagleous, 999 to the power of 7th paradigms, Nine Clusters, the Crystal Lattice, the Brown Ray, the Neutral Zone, the Order of Trons, Fractal Codes and the Neutron Stars all...

U.S. Health Freedom Congress to convene in St. Paul in June

The public is invited to participate in the profound gathering of 30 health freedom organizations to deliberate on promoting health freedom in our nation. The U.S. Health Freedom Congress, hosted by National Health Freedom...

Therapeutic Massage for Back Pain

Back pain happens. In fact, 31 million Americans experience low-back pain at any given time, according to the American Chiropractic Association. Those same statistics point to back pain as the second most common reason...

The Unexpected Benefits of Massage

If you have received a professional massage, you know about the benefits of massage such as relieving stress, managing pain, better quality of sleep and recovery from intense exercise, but are you aware of...

The Benefits of Massage through Acupressure

Massage is so relaxing and soothing in moments when you can let go of pain and the energy it steals away. That sounds so good, but, what if you have injuries, trauma or other...