Holistic Living

breaking down Minnesota's new CBD law

Breaking Down Minnesota’s New THC Law

On July 1st, 2022, a new THC (tetrahydrocannabinol) law took effect and shifted the cannabis industry in a new direction for the state of Minnesota. THC is the elevating compound found abundantly in marijuana...
the eye of the ancestral hurricane

The Eye of the Ancestral Hurricane

Recognizing Ancestral Impacts in the Heat of the Moment “If you call that ambulance, I will NEVER forgive you!” “But Mom – You have to go to the hospital!” Where do you go with that?! In that...
akashic records what are they introduction

The Akashic Records: An Introduction

A common question I get asked a lot is, “What are the Akashic Records?” It seems like a simple question but the answer can involve many levels and layers. The Akashic Records have been...
abundant nourishment in the moment

Participate in the Abundant Nourishment of the Present Moment

At some point, our appetite for a life that will satisfy or stimulate us can no longer be fulfilled by the life that we see around us. It just doesn’t work anymore. We’ve tried...

With Plant Medicines, Ceremony is the Key Ingredient

Sitting with South American plant medicines like Ayahuasca, Yage, Hape, Sananga, and Kambo have resulted in serious lasting benefits in my life. I understand now why I've found it so hard to achieve that...
spiritual listening heals

Spiritual Listening Heals

Numerology makes you aware that November is always a high vibrational energy. Why so? Because November is the 11th month of the year, and the 11/2 vibrational energy creates an opportunity for you to...
art of giving

The Art of Giving

People often wonder why some individuals get ahead in life and excel in everything they do and yet others question why they don’t get better results & consequently they struggle. What is the secret...
breaking out of your inner child

Warriors Should Not Be Kept in Cages: Breaking Out of Your Inner Child

MY STORY Today is initiation day; the day I will prove I’m mentally strong enough to conquer mental demons. I kiss my husband goodbye, drop the kids off at school, and make my way to...
jin shin treatments for cats digestive issues

Use Jin Shin Jyutsu to Treat your Cat’s Digestive Issues

Jin Shin Jyutsu is a form of intuitive healing knowledge that all we humans carry inside us from birth and often unconsciously use time and again. Read Tina's other articles Do It Yourself Jin...
reiki and yin yang balance

Reiki and the Balancing of Yin & Yang

In May 2021, I attended an all-day psychic and healing fair in Minneapolis. I had a 50-minute Reiki session with one of the practitioners, and toward the end of the session, I received a...
new beginnings heal

New Beginnings Heal

If you are wanting and praying for something new in your life to happen, October’s vibrational new 10-energy will amp up your opportunity to make it happen. October being the tenth month of the...
ancient wisdom from the womb

Uncovering The Ancient Wisdom of the Womb and The Rise of The Divine Feminine

There are principles that govern the fabric of creation that manifest as our physical world. Women are understood to be connected to this web of life through their womb. The womb is our primordial center. The...
what is your creative archetype?

What is Your Creative Archetype?

In this monthly column, Secrets of Personal Transformation, I write about the sacred process of human transformation. Transformation is a circular process that takes our psyche through three distinct stages: the breakdown, the reflection/discernment,...
unwed ritual brings closure

Bringing Closure to Our Marriage Through Ritual

It was late afternoon on a warm fall day. The sun was hanging low on the horizon casting an orange glowing light through the trees. I stood beside my wife of 25 years looking...
embrace positive change this fall

Embrace Positive Change this Fall Season

The fall season has arrived in all its splendor. Many of us welcome fresh, autumn days with the crisp colored leaves crunchy at our feet. We love snuggling into our cozy woolly sweaters while...
reduce stress by redefining stress

Redefining Stress

We have all experienced some form of trauma that keeps us from optimally moving forward in life. These experiences can be anything from verbal attacks, put downs, and mental and emotional manipulation, to physical...
What would you do if you knew you were already enough?

What would you do if you knew you were already enough?

The answer for me is, I will write this article, to invite you into a thought-provoking conversation. As a transformational coach and as an entrepreneur myself, I often find myself battling these questions, whether with...