
Raw foods to benefit our animals and ourselves

Our cat, Sam, is a great testimonial to the healing power of raw foods. When we first saw Sam at the animal shelter, he was so straggly and icky looking that my husband, Dale,...

Reconnective Kids: An interview with Dr. Eric Pearl

"My parents always told me I was something else, but this was probably not what they had in mind." - Dr. Eric Pearl Dr. Eric Pearl walked away from one of the most successful chiropractic...

The Edge Forum with Jean Wallis

My adventure with a "new economy" started nearly 20 years ago when I was downsized from a corporate job I had held for many years. In those days, they paid you fairly good money...

The Edge Forum with John Peterson

As my guides would say, "Don't fear what you see. Embrace 'opportunities' with gratitude. Look at the light that is creating the shadow." We tend to "see" the problems of slow business and the economy...

The Edge Forum with Chanda Parkinson

The insights I get are always of a very practical, down-to-earth nature and won't really surprise anyone. Hopefully it is articulated in a way that clarifies for people what they may have been feeling...

The Edge Forum with Penny Johnson

The impressions that I'm getting from my Guides and Angels tell me that banks and the financial industry is in for another round of what happened in 2008. It might hit this year, or...

The Edge Forum with Alison James

The economy has affected every single one of us in one form or another, and we all have questions about why things are so difficult, how long they will remain so and what we...

The Edge Forum with Kathryn Harwig

What I am seeing is an inability on the part of anyone to commit in any meaningful fashion. Because our society is caught in a wave of fear, the behavior coming out of it...

The Edge Forum with Deborah Lynn 11

The scales are balancing, for what people give out is what is returning to  them. If a person is greedy, then this is what they are receiving. I am hearing that it is important for...

The Edge Forum with Deb Battenfeld

People are coming to the holistic community in need of help. They worry about price, paying for it. It is true, each one who seeks you out needs and wants answers. They turn to...

10 Ways to Achieve a Heaven on Earth

The underlying trends toward a heaven on earth are often obscured by the "noise" of the day, pessimism and cynicism. But I believe that with God's enduring, steadfast love humankind will ultimately reach a...

Woodwinds Health Campus supports Integrative Care

Fourth of a series on integrative healing in the Twin Cities Woodwinds Health Campus is the brainchild of the HealthEast Care System organization. It is an 86-bed, full-service, acute-care community hospital that opened its doors...

Singing the Body Electric

I cannot figure out who I am as a body these days. I look in the mirror, right into the scars, trying to read them like the dreams I have at night of driving...

Curing phobias, fears and anxiety with hypnosis

Many people suffer from irrational fears or phobias. According to the National Institute of Mental Health, the percentage of people with anxiety disorders has been on the rise in recent years and continues to...

Universal Health Care Reform

Enemy. Are you my enemy? That's a question I have learned to ask myself in more ways than just one. It's just that a friend of mine recently pointed out to me that a...

Have a moving experience

The most prevalent question I've been asked during my 30+ years of practice is, "Why do I need a colonic since I have regular daily bowel movements?" My response is usually "How much of your...

The Rabbit Hole

Little did I know the significance of watching Bugs Bunny as a child or reading Alice in Wonderland, nor the depth that I would somehow glean from these archetypes. Then a couple of years...